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My Beliefs

(I have set this up in the same manner as the Baptist Faith and Message. I did this because it was a useful way for me to outline my beliefs as compared with those in which I was raised. A copy of the Baptist Faith and Message may be obtained through the Southern Baptist Convention, local churches, or online. This is not meant as a condemnation of Baptist beliefs. It is simply a statement of my own beliefs.)


I believe the Holy Bible is a book divinely inspired by God/dess intended to lead humans to enlightenment and oneness with the creator.  I do not believe that it is the only divinely inspired book. God/dess chose different ways to pass on the same truths to us. This is why there is so much similarity in the teachings of the world's religions. I further believe that the Scriptures we have today are not as they were originally written. Throughout history, humans have put words into God/dess' mouth to justify their own beliefs or actions. I believe this has most definitely happen with the Bible and probably most Holy writings.

I believe there is one God/dess who created the universe and everything in it. God/dess has many names and incarnations, each varying according to what is most appropriate to a particular group of believers. God/dess is a trinity of trinities - Creator, Messenger, and Spirit; Male, Female and Neuter; Mental, Physical and Emotional. Jesus was God incarnate, sent to show us the path to a enlightenment and oneness with our creator. Jesus was not the only messenger sent by God/dess. His message was truly God/dess' message, but took on Jesus' personality and was geared for the people He came to teach.

Christ's death was necessary. It taught us the lengths to which people will go in order to protect their own viewpoint. It taught us never to judge another harshly by saying, "Well, I would never do such a thing." It sealed His place in spiritual history. It gave the world a martyr, who did not remain a martyr. Death was not the final act --showing us that there is more than just this life. God/dess has also created other beings, including Angels, to help guide us.

God/dess created human beings for the purpose of a personal relationship with the Creator. We all came from God/dess and are, therefore, part of God/dess. This relationship was intended to be through direct conversation with God/dess and through communion with nature and the planet itself. Because God/dess endowed us with free will, we have freely chosen to do things on our own and outside of the original plan of God/dess. I do not believe in a literal Adam and Eve, one man and one woman. I believe Adam simply means "man" and Eve means "woman". The story is meant to illustrate humankind's disobedience, which has caused it to be more difficult  to speak directly with God/dess and with nature. It is, therefore, our task to re-learn how to communicate with God/dess and truly understand the Divine plan for us as individuals.

Sin is a term originally used in archery which means anything that does not hit the mark. Therefore, sin is anything that is not God/dess' perfect plan for you. Anything.  It does not matter whether you miss the target by an inch or a mile - you still missed. It has been said, "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades". This statement applies here. There is no such thing as a "deadly sin". Sin is to show us that we did not get it right, try again. The only thing deadly about any sin is to give up an wollow in it. As I have told my children, "Can't never could, 'cause he wouldn't try"

God/dess created each of us with free will to choose to make our lives what we want. God/dess does have a perfect plan for our lives. Few (if any) live God/dess' perfect plan. I believe that the Divine can use all the events of our lives to help us get to the ultimate goal. The goal and the plan are different for different people (As lesson plans are different for different students.) But each of us has completely free will to make our own choices.

The only thing that will save you from sin is the commitment to keep trying. Humans are imperfect creatures.That is the lesson of the Old Testament - you can't be good enough. As long as we are on this earth, we will sin. Once we have a true  understanding of what Jesus (Yeshua) was trying to teach us, we will not want to do the things we did before. We will be new people. It is as alcoholics learn in their program - you are never "cured" it is a
daily decision to act differently.  You can "fake it 'til you make it". This will help get in the habit
until you understand God/dess better and act differently
because you are different within.

All individuals can hear God/dess directly.  It is not necessary to have an intermediary to tell you what God/dess

No particular day of the week is any more holy than any other. It is important to set aside a regular time to commune with God/dess. I personally feel that time should be spent everyday in meditation and contemplation.

No specific ritual is require for oneness with God/dess.  Ritual is a very important part of any religious belief.  It indeed brings us closer to the Divine through specific action. However, the particular ritual or rituals you choose is completely an individual choice.

I believe that, since we are all part of God/dess, we will all eventually return to God/dess. This return to God/dess after death has been called many names such as going to Heaven or achieving Nirvana. Once we have fulfilled our unique purpose here, we will move on to the next step.  I, personally, don't believe death is the final step.  The number three is too important.  There must be three steps.  I can't wait to find out what comes next.

We should be good stewards of what God/dess has given us. We should treat the planet and nature with respect so that it can continue to bless generations to come.  We should treat other people in our lives with respect and love.  God/dess has provided these people to us for a reason.  We may not know why they were in our lives until many years later, but we should make the most of them in the time we have them.

We should be good stewards of our money and other resources.  We should share what we have with others, invest wisely, and put our resources to work.  Our gifts don't do anyone (including you) any good if we put them in a hole and never use them.

Faith is a matter of individual conscience and the government has no place in determining what individuals should believe. Prayer is a intregal part of religion and, therefore, should not take place at any government funded or sponsored events or institutions. This includes public schools and their sporting events and political events such as congressional sessions, inaugurations, etc.  The act of praying aloud involves choosing one faith over all others.  It is, therefore inappropriate.  I don't want politics in my pulpit or the pulpit in my politics.

Husbands and wives were intended to be equals.  One is not superior to the other. They should submit to each other.  In other words, neither should get their own way all the time.  Both have to give and take.

Men and women are both equally equipped to speak with God/dess.  I believe that the feminine part of God/dess has been systematically removed from Scripture. This one-sided picture of the Divine is not healthy for men or women and is not as God/dess intended.