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Cleansing Ritual 

I very much like bathing rituals, because I feel I am cleansing my mind and soul, as well as, my body. This ritual is a variation of the Rosalia Ritual.


Materials Needed:

4 rose scented candles
1 rose scented bath cube
Rose water
Fresh rose petals

Light  4 rose scented candles and placed them in the corners of the tub.. Slowly fill the tub with tap water disolving a rose scented cube and adding rose water to the bath. Sprinkle fresh rose petals in the water. Then enter the tub.  Once in the tub, slowly scoop  water and rose petals up  and let the water fall over the different parts of your body - first my head, then throat, chest, each arm, then each leg.  While doing this, try to concentrate on the Goddess' beauty and becoming more comfortable  with your own body. (I , also, like to shave my legs at this point.  I personally don't feel clean if
I'm hairy. It also, seems a bit like the ancient Greek
athletes using the scrudgel to scrap the mud from their bodies after the athletic events.) To finish the ritual,  scoop out the rose petals and make sure all are rinsed out of your hair. Drain the water while you remain in the tub. Visualize all your stress and negative thoughts going down the drain with the water.  After the water drains, put out the candles and get out of the tub.