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Recomended Reading

by C.S. Lewis

This is the second book in Lewis's Space Trilogy.  It is a fictional account of Ransom's travels to the planet Venus (known as Perelandra to its inhabitants).  Do not be fooled, this is not your typical science fiction novel.  In this, as well as the rest of the trilogy, Lewis incorporates his mystic views of Christianity.  This book has been a major influence in my beliefs.

Conversations With God
by Neile Donald Walsch

"Suppose you could ask God the most puzzling questions about existance - questions about love and faith, life and death, good and evil.  Suppose God provided clear understandable answers. It happened to Neile Donald Walsch.  It can happen to you..."  I don't agree that everything outlined in this book, but it certainly gets you thinking.

365 Goddess: a daily guide to the magic and inspiration of the goddess
by Patricia Telesco

A daily devotional that draws on traditions from around the world.  Each day's devotional introduces a different goddess and consist of meditations, rituals, spells and prayers.

Casting the Circle: a woman's book of ritual
by Diane Stein

This is an excellent source book for the beginner to develop her own ritual repretoire.

The Once and Future Goddess
by Elinor W. Gadon

A history of goddess beliefs throughout different cultures and their art that shows how goddess
beliefs were systematically eliminated from our culture and how we can reclaim the goddess in our lives today.

Christian Wicca: The Trinitarian Tradition
by Nancy Chandler Pittman

This is an excellent resource for how to practice Wicca and celebrate the Christian Trinity.

Origins of Modern Witchcraft
by Ann Moura

"The historical origins of Paganism have long been ignored or misrepresented by historians of Western religions. "
This book is by a practicing Witch and historian and explores the history of paganism and what she believes where the "real" intentions
of the Bible, as well as, the relationship between Christ and Krishna.



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